Hedgehog Community Guidelines

  1. Welcome to the Hedgehog community!

  2. How Moderation Works

  3. How You Can Impact Moderation

  4. Our Community Rules

Welcome to the Hedgehog community!

Hedgehog is a platform to promote good faith conversation and sharing of the news, so that we can all keep up with current events, learn and grow together. We hope in Hedgehog you’ll find a place where different opinions can be embraced, community can be built, and common issues plaguing online discourse today can be avoided. It’s important to us that everyone enjoys their time on Hedgehog, and that means we need to moderate some content with the help of the community to keep our platform at its best.

Below you will find our Community Guidelines - your guidebook for being a Hedgehog member and policies that apply to what you post and comment. We believe in transparency in how your content is moderated, and have provided details on how content is reviewed. We also believe that all members should have a hand in setting norms and boundaries here, and we have a few ways you can directly impact how the community is governed.

Want to learn more? Read on!

How Moderation Works

To ensure we keep the most harmful and dangerous content off our platform, we use a combination of automated controls and human review to detect and moderate content which violates our Community Rules. This process scans all content before it goes out to the world on the platform. Depending on what’s being reviewed, some content may be proactively approved or removed by our automated systems, while other content may require further review by a human. When automated systems are unable to decide, or when community members report content as containing a violation, we rely on a skilled team of trained moderators to carefully consider a moderation decision. They consider a number of factors like context and account history before making a determination.

While we don’t expect anyone to be perfect, we do expect our members to respect the Community Rules and avoid repeatedly violating them. Violations of the Community Rules can impact your overall standing in the community, as well as the standing of those who promoted your account to member status. Please keep in mind that Hedgehog staff and senior community members have the ability to demote your membership status due to sustained violations, and repeated violations can result in permanent account suspension.

How You Can Impact Moderation

In a perfect world, we’d have Hedgehog be a completely self-regulating platform, where members enforce guidelines set wholly by the community. While that may not be possible quite yet, we still embrace self-regulation where we can, and there are a few ways that members of the community can help shape content on Hedgehog:

  1. Invite-Only: Hedgehog is an invite-only platform, and we rely on our members to take this responsibility seriously. When you invite someone to become a member, we trust your opinion that they will be a productive member of the community. Keep in mind that bad behavior from a person you invited has the potential to impact your standing in the Hedgehog community.

  2. Community Moderators: All account holders who are Members or Contributors have the ability to shape the conversation happening on Hedgehog through Community Moderation. Account holders with this ability can raise posts that may be against Community Standards or otherwise objectionable, allowing other community members to either agree or disagree with their assessment. Community moderation is an essential feature of our platform, and we rely on Hedgehog members to use it respectfully. Abusing

    moderation privileges or a low community standing could result in loss of such privileges. Learn more about community moderation here.

  3. Community Reports: Content review systems are never perfect, and from time to time there may be things that our controls miss. We invite our members to use our reporting feature to alert us of content that may violate our Community Rules, so that we can send it for further review. This process also helps us improve our automated systems and human moderation - a win win!

Our Community Rules

Please keep these ground rules in mind while using Hedgehog, and for more information, visit our Terms of Use.

  1. No Illegal Activity - Hedgehog should not be used to promote illegal activity or goods, or coordinate crime.

    Prohibited Criminal Behavior

  1. Be Civil - only respectful discourse is allowed on our platform. Comments made in bad faith or intending to harass or demean other people or groups will not be tolerated.

    Prohibited Harassing Content

  1. No Violence - Don’t use Hedgehog to threaten the physical safety of others, endanger minors or promote violent acts or organizations. We work directly with law enforcement when we believe there is a genuine risk of physical harm or direct threats to public safety.

    Prohibited Violence Incitement

  1. No Sexual Activity - Hedgehog is not the place to engage in sexual behavior or share sexually suggestive or sexually explicit content. We recognize that some expressions of nudity may have artistic value, and we allow non-pornographic nudity in art and sculptures.

    Prohibited Sexual Content

  1. Respect Privacy - Privacy is a right, and you shouldn’t attempt to infringe upon or breach the privacy of another person.

    Prohibited Privacy Infringement

  1. Be Authentic - Be yourself, use only one account, and make sure the content you post isn’t intentionally false or misleading. We welcome good faith discussion and want to protect the opinions of the minority who can be subject to the tyranny of the majority, but this should not lead you to share information that is widely accepted as false to the community.

    Prohibited Inauthentic Behavior

  1. No Platform Interference - Don’t use Hedgehog in a manner not as intended, or try to alter, manipulate or exploit the platform.

    Prohibited Spamming

In most cases, following these guidelines will ensure your content won’t encounter issues on our platform. However, we reserve the right to remove any content or account from the platform for any reason.